Biosphere Explorers
Linking young people with our biosphere
Biosphere Explorers: Climate Hub is the current iteration of this project. Funding from Dumfries and Galloway Climate Hub, from Net Zero Scotland and lead partners Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, will allow CCC to offer free sessions to primary schools throughout D&G. Where possible, we will combine a school visit with a discussion with pupil environment councils or eco-groups to share our expertise and hear their experiences in, and hopes for, tackling climate catastrophe and related crises.
Biosphere Explorers 1-3 was an education programme run by CCC and funded by Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership, and additionally Holywood Trust and Barfil Trust funded the first project, and Blackcraig Windfarm Community Fund (administered by Foundation Scotland) funded the latter. The project aimed to reconnect young people with the local natural environment through a series of workshops and outdoor lessons. The workshops use the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere as a focus for learning, linking the beautiful place we live in with issues which affect us all, and encouraging the children to find positive ways of dealing with these issues. Climate change and Biodiversity are discussed at length as is Sustainability. Many of these workshops are available for parents and teachers - see below.
From Biosphere Explorers 2, two lesson plans and one experiment series are available for use. The lesson plans include activity descriptions, the benchmarks of the CfE met, and the resources needed. The experiment series, on Soil and Water Erosion, includes an introduction and experiment video, as well as a companion activity card and discussion card.
From Biosphere Explorers 1, a legacy pack was produced to give teachers the information required to carry on the message with future classes. Access to this pack is free, and is aimed at the 9-11 age group (Second Stage of the Curriculum For Excellence). A Sense of Place contains the classroom workshops, while Out & About in the Biosphere details opportunities for outdoor learning in the Biosphere. Both parts closely follow the Outcomes and Experiences outlined in the Curriculum For Excellence. Click on the covers below to explore the Legacy Packs.