Peatland ACTION
restoration training
Building capacity for ecological restoration
The Crichton Carbon Centre manage and deliver the Peatland ACTION restoration training programme. Our two-day events can be held in person (across Scotland), or online and cover both technical and practical content. The events are a space for open, interactive discussions on peatland restoration. Our aim is that you leave with a greater understanding of peatlands and the various restoration techniques used to restore them.
The training sessions are specifically designed for:
Contractors looking to undertake peatland restoration projects
Consultants looking to undertake peatland restoration projects, peatland condition assessments and feasibility studies
Ecological Clerk of Works
Agents preparing peatland restoration projects
Landowners and Managers
A typical training session includes:
An overview of Scotland’s peatland extent and condition
An introduction to planning and designing a peatland restoration project
An overview of restoration techniques
A site visit to look at examples of restoration techniques in action (for in person events only)
If you wish to register your interest in attending one of our training sessions, please complete and submit this form. We aim to get back to you within 2 working days.
Your data will only be used for the purposes of sharing information on Peatland ACTION training. We provide training sessions on behalf of Peatland ACTION and from time to time you may be notified of relevant training provided or delivered by our external partners affiliated with Peatland ACTION.
By providing your email address, you consent to this use. You can opt out at any time to be removed from our database by contacting us directly. We do not sell on your personal information and the data is held on a secure server.