In early April, we looked back at our year so far. January, February, and March were busy months with a new team member, another moving on, recruitment, and planning for COP26. What have we been up to since?
This timeline picks up where the last left off. April was a very admin heavy month for us - Emily was busy recruiting for the new Peatland ACTION Project Officer role, Jayne was on annual leave, and Carys was creating content for social media.
At the end of the month, the brilliant live webinar "Plumbing the Depths of the Bog" was well attended. Artists, archaeologists, peatland experts, and other speakers all brought their specialist knowledge of bogs to the table. You can read the highlight blog here, or watch the webinar on Youtube here.
Going into May, we were joined by Anna! Our new Peatland ACTION project officer wrote a blog introducing herself here.
The Galloway Footsteps initiative, all about reducing our carbon footprint, launched its first of four online talks at the start of May. You can read our summary of "What We Buy" here. There is one event left - find out more here.
Easing lockdown and other restrictions meant that the team could meet in person at the office or over a cuppa at Loch Arthur Cafe. We tracked our project history, reviewed strategies, developed guidance documents - basically, we made the best of the "face-to-face" meetings!
At the end of May, Biosphere Explorers was officially launched. You can read the press release here, or our own blog here. It went off to a great start by sharing our online materials produced from the first project with teachers at the learning for sustainability conference.
Of course, so much more has happened than a summary can summarise! We try to celebrate our wins every week in our Week in Review graphics, which are posted to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - so do follow us over there.
Coming up, in July we have four family events from Biosphere Explorers - some spaces are still available for these sessions and other summer events, which you can find here on the Galloway Glens' website. Included in this is the Peatland Connections Silverflowe visit, which is developing into a really interesting outing.
Our work for Peatland ACTION is also ramping up. We're going to be delivering online training events - if you work with peatland (especially restoration) do request to join our mailing list to be notified of future events - you can do that here.
Finally, we're going to be developing lots more content around COP26 in the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled for that. We always want to bring positive messages around climate change and sustainability, so we will be shining a light on the amazing progress Dumfries and Galloway is making towards tackling climate change.
We'll do our next review in early October - until then, we'll see you on our social media channels or in our blogs.